We are devoted to obtaining high-quality products that have a low environmental effect.
Introducing new items into the world leaves a trace. That is undeniably true. Our objective is to restrict ours and join the industry in effecting positive change. Nightfox is dedicated to adhering to the 1.5-degree approach and reducing our emissions by half by 2032.
We also promise to protect you and our employees. We pledge to offer only sustainably sourced and long-lasting products, to make careful transportation and energy decisions, and to create no extra harm to the environment.
We do our best to bring amazing items into the world, and we are thrilled that you enjoy them; thank you! Our role is to help bring about change by taking steps to reduce our carbon footprint. Every employee in our organization has a “green goal” that contributes to our overall aim of reducing greenhouse gas emissions by half by 2032.
We have identified four priority areas for reducing our CO2 footprint:
• Materials and procedures that are environmentally friendly
• Makes transportation and shipment more efficient.
• Effective packaging
• Facilities that are environmentally friendly and have little direct emissions.
Our goods must be both safe to manufacture and safe to wear. Good chemical management is critical to ensuring the safe handling of our garments for both humans and the environment.
We adhere to the European Union’s REACH chemical laws and impose a restriction on so-called Compounds of Very High Concern, a sort of grey-zone list of substances that are legal but are suspected of being dangerous.

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